1. Safeguarding Healthcare Providers

Addressing Violence Against Healthcare Professionals

Project Overview

In collaboration with SZABIST, ICRC, the Ministry of Health, and Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU), we initiated a groundbreaking project aimed at combating violence against healthcare providers. This vital research delves into the disturbing trend of violence directed towards those dedicated to saving lives.

Key Objectives

Understanding the Issue: Our project seeks to comprehensively understand the nature and extent of violence faced by healthcare providers in the course of their duty.Legal Dissemination: We are committed to disseminating information on the legal protections in place for healthcare providers and ensuring that this knowledge reaches those who need it.Policy Enhancement: Through our research, we aim to provide evidence-based recommendations for policy improvements that enhance the safety and security of healthcare professionals.


Our research methodology, designed in collaboration with SZABIST, ICRC, the Ministry of Health, and JSMU, employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather and analyze data. Specific details of our methodology remain confidential.

Expected Outcomes

Awareness: This project will contribute to greater awareness about the issue of violence against healthcare providers and the legal protections available to them.Policy Impact: By offering evidence-based insights, we aim to influence policy changes that prioritize the safety of healthcare professionals.Safety Enhancement: Ultimately, we aspire to create a safer environment for healthcare providers, allowing them to carry out their crucial work without fear of violence.


Our collaborative project with SZABIST, ICRC, the Ministry of Health, and JSMU addresses a pressing concern affecting healthcare providers. By shedding light on the issue and advocating for policy improvements, we strive to ensure that those on the frontlines of healthcare can carry out their duties safely and without the threat of violence.

For further details about this project, please don't hesitate to contact us

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2. VASA Child Mortality Enquiry in Karachi

Project Spotlight: Advancing Child Welfare
Unmasking Child Mortality Determinants

Project Overview

In conjunction with esteemed partners, we are leading an innovative initiative to investigate child mortality in Karachi, Pakistan. Collaborating with the University of Malaya , this project utilizes advanced methodologies to study the factors influencing child mortality and inform interventions.


Our multidisciplinary team collaborates closely with the local community, employing a mixed-methods approach to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Certain methodological intricacies are deliberately concealed.

Expected Outcomes

  • - Precise Estimates: We aim to provide accurate estimates of under-five mortalities and related mortality rates in Karachi, Pakistan.
  • - In-Depth Insights: The project will offer insights into sociocultural factors affecting child health, facilitating interventions.
  • - Evidence-Based Interventions: Findings will inform evidence-based public health strategies, contributing to the reduction of child mortality.


Our project strives to improve child welfare in Karachi, Pakistan, contributing to the global goal of reducing child mortality and enabling every child to reach their full potential.

For additional details about this project, please contact us.

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3. Development of a Vital Tool for Child Mortality Assessment

Enhancing Child Survival Strategies

Project Overview

In close collaboration with renowned academic institutions, we've undertaken a groundbreaking project aimed at addressing under-five mortality. This initiative focuses on the development of a crucial tool for assessing determinants of child mortality. By creating a versatile and effective solution, we're striving to guide evidence-based interventions.

Key Objectives

  1. Tool Innovation:Central to our project is the creation of a sophisticated assessment tool. This tool empowers healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to thoroughly evaluate child mortality determinants.
  2. Determinant Interaction:We concentrate on understanding how various factors, including healthcare access, nutrition, and socioeconomic elements, interact and influence child mortality.
  3. Sustainability: Sustainability is a pivotal consideration. Our objective is to provide a lasting solution adaptable to changing circumstances, ensuring ongoing effectiveness.


Our project leverages a team of experts with diverse backgrounds in epidemiology, public health, data analysis, and tool development. Our research methodologies include surveys, data analysis, and statistical modeling, allowing us to construct a sophisticated tool while keeping some intricacies confidential.

Expected Outcomes

  • - Validated Tool: The project's primary outcome is a validated tool for assessing child mortality determinants.
  • - Informed Decision-Making: Users, such as healthcare providers and policymakers, can make data-driven decisions using this tool to customize interventions and allocate resources more efficiently.
  • - Sustainable Impact: Our focus on sustainability ensures the longevity of this tool's relevance and utility in the realm of child health.


Our featured project holds immense potential for improving child survival globally. By crafting a sustainable tool for identifying and addressing child mortality determinants, we empower various stakeholders to collaborate toward a future where every child has the opportunity for healthy growth and development.

For more insights into this project and its advancement, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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4. Understanding Parental Stresses

Exploring the Grief of Bereaved Parents

Project Overview

In collaboration with the University of Malaya, we embarked on a profound exploration of parental stresses following the tragic loss of a child under the age of five. This research delves into the emotional and psychological burdens carried by parents in the aftermath of such devastating events.

Key Objectives

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Our project aims to comprehensively assess the various stressors experienced by parents who have lost a child under the age of five.
  2. Psychological Impact: We seek to understand the psychological and emotional toll of such losses on parents, examining grief, depression, and coping mechanisms.
  3. Supportive Interventions: The findings will inform the development of targeted interventions and support systems for bereaved parents, enhancing their mental and emotional well-being.


Our research methodology, designed in collaboration with the University of Malaya, employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather and analyze data. Specific details of our methodology remain confidential.

Expected Outcomes

  • - In-Depth Understanding: This project will provide a deeper understanding of the complex stresses faced by parents following the loss of a young child.
  • - Tailored Support: The insights gained will enable the creation of tailored support programs to assist parents in coping with their grief and emotional challenges.
  • - Mental Health Enhancement: Ultimately, this project aspires to contribute to the improvement of mental health outcomes for bereaved parents.


Our collaboration with the University of Malaya in this poignant research endeavor aims to shed light on the often-overlooked struggles of parents who have lost a child under the age of five. By offering a clearer understanding of their experiences, we strive to develop support mechanisms that can provide solace and relief during these difficult times.

For further details about this project, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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