At Global Health 360, we offer comprehensive services across the data value chain, equipping healthcare organizations with the tools they need to make a meaningful impact. Our core service offerings encompass:

Data Analytics

  • - Rigorous assessment and design of data systems
  • - Advanced analytics and modeling to extract valuable insights
  • - Predictive analytics and early warning systems for proactive decision-making
  • - Creation of interactive data dashboards and compelling visualizations
  • - Development of comprehensive data strategies and roadmaps

We empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their health data, leveraging cutting-edge techniques such as big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to reveal transformative insights and construct data-driven systems.

Health Policy Consultation

  • -Thorough policy landscape assessments
  • - In-depth policy gap analysis and benchmarking
  • - Data-driven policy recommendations grounded in evidence
  • - Policy optimization frameworks tailored to specific needs
  • - Facilitation of stakeholder engagement and consensus building

Our team of seasoned health economists and policy experts systematically evaluate your health policy landscape, identifying gaps, modeling the effects of policy alterations, and fostering stakeholder alignment to drive positive change.

Epidemiology Research

  • - Conduct of meticulous epidemiological studies and surveys
  • - Establishment of robust disease surveillance systems
  • - Expertise in outbreak investigation and modeling
  • - Proficiency in risk mapping and epidemiological profiling
  • - Publication and wide dissemination of research findings
  • Our accomplished team of epidemiologists conducts rigorous primary research and modeling, producing compelling evidence on disease burdens, trends, risks, and interventions to guide the development of effective policies and programs

    Program Evaluation

  • - Design of comprehensive evaluation frameworks
  • - Quantitative and qualitative data collection for holistic assessments
  • - In-depth comparative analysis and impact evaluation
  • - Formulation of process optimization recommendations
  • - Delivery of informative dissemination workshops and advisory services
  • We undertake thorough assessments of health programs and interventions, evaluating outcomes, identifying achievements and shortcomings, and providing recommendations to enhance efficiency and impact

    mHealth Solutions

  • - Consultation on cutting-edge digital health technologies
  • - Development of mobile applications and web portals
  • - Implementation of interactive SMS and communication platforms
  • - Real-time data analytics and intuitive dashboards
  • - Seamless interoperability with national health systems
  • We conceptualize, create, and seamlessly integrate innovative mobile health solutions into programs, enhancing accessibility, engagement, data capture, and decision-making.


    Capacity Building

  • - Conduct of data literacy workshops
  • - Development of engaging online courses and virtual classrooms
  • - Provision of advisory services and mentorship programs
  • - Provision of valuable tools, templates, and guidebooks
  • - Execution of effective change management and engagement strategies
  • We enhance organizational capabilities in data collection, analysis, visualization, and integration through tailored learning programs and resources.

    Public Health Law Consultations

  • - Expert guidance on public health legal matters
  • - Legal policy assessments and analysis
  • - Development of legal frameworks and recommendations
  • - Support in compliance with public health regulations
  • - Legal advocacy and stakeholder engagement in public health law matters
  • We offer specialized consultations in public health law, providing essential guidance, legal assessments, and frameworks to ensure compliance and effectiveness in public health initiatives.

    Let's Explore How We Can Drive Change Together

    Get in touch with our team to schedule an advisory call and discuss how our services can help strengthen your health programs and policies.

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